Friday, December 31, 2010

Best Wishes to Bob Duffy

Dear Blog Visitors:

I want to take this opportunity to wish outgoing Rochester Mayor Bob Duffy well as he begins his new role as New York's Lieutenant Governor tomorrow.

It was interesting for me to notice that Bob's final act as Mayor was his signing the multiple contracts I rushed through during the past week.

A few friends have asked if I will be following Bob Duffy to Albany to be part of his team. The answer is no. I am looking forward to retirement from my long-time employment at City Hall, which will take place on May 6. As indicated in another blog post, I plan to spend my retirement years pursuing my passions and engaging more fully in my ministries as a married priest.

Bob Duffy will be a superb Lieutenant Governor, and I would not be surprised to see him in the White House in the future. I admire his ability to get things done, and I am sure he and Governor Andrew Cuomo will be a dynamic team.

My very best to all of you in 2011.


Sunday, December 19, 2010

Wishing All of You a Blessed Christmas

Dear Blog Visitors:

It has been a couple months since I posted anything to my blog. This is because I have been busy with preparations for retirement from my secular job on May 6. As long as my health holds out, I am looking forward to a very active retirement, which will be inclusive of perhaps a part-time secular job, in addition to more involvement with my ministries as a married priest, such as officiating at weddings, baptisms and funerals. I also look forward to enhancing my creative passions in such areas as photography, video-making, classical music and acting.

One area that I plan to scale back is my involvement with efforts to reform the Roman Catholic Church - an involvement that has taken up approximately twenty years of my life. I am beginning to think it is time to allow the next generation to decide what kind of church it wants, whereby they can engage in the same type of lobbying with bishops my generation has experienced (perhaps with better results).

In the video above, I sing my all-time favorite traditional Christmas Carol, which is 'Silent Night.'

My very best wishes to all of you for a very blessed Christmas season.
