Dear Blog Visitors:
From time to time, I have appeared in television and radio interviews to discuss the corresponding topics of priestly celibacy and married priests. I obviously prefer opportunities that allow me to address these topics thoroughly, such as the utilization of historical, theological, scriptural and practical perspectives. However, as we know all too well, most talk shows are designed today with either quick sound bites or debates that are characterized by one speaker interrupting another, resulting in very little substance getting through before allotted time-slots are complete.
I was recently asked to appear on the Larry King Show to discuss priestly celibacy. However, when I was informed I would be debating Bill Donohue of the Catholic League, I declined. It is not that I am afraid to debate Bill Donohue. However, it has been my experience to witness him behaving in a rude manner, whereby he raises his voice in anger to get his points across and often interrupts the person he is debating. (I much prefer respectful dialogue.)
When I approached EWTN (Eternal Word Television Network) a few years ago about the possibility of a debate on priestly celibacy, I was informed that their network will not allow subject matter that challenges current policies of the Roman Catholic Church. I nevertheless thanked them for their consideration. Presently, I hope an alternative to EWTN will eventually surface, whereby Catholic reformers and Catholic traditionalists can come together in such a way that will allow for 'respectful' interchanges on topics of interest to Catholics throughout the world.
Just for fun, I have posted the picture above from 1977. It was a promotional photo for the radio show I was part of on Rochester radio station WAXC. At that time, I provided comedy for the show as 'The Wizard of Pun.' (I am pictured in the far left.) I believe humor is much needed in today's society, for we tend to take ourselves too seriously. So, on occasions when I am invited to discuss serious topics concerning church reform, don't be surprised if I interject a little humor from time to time, simply as a means of reducing tension.
Let us continue to pray for respectful dialogue in the Roman Catholic Church.
Peace to all,
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