This blog is designed to reflect my multi-faceted interests.
Friday, November 08, 2013
RAPA Now Running Kodak Theater
Dear Blog Visitors:
I want to congratulate Jim Vollertsen, president of RAPA (Rochester Association of Performing Arts), for his hard work that has led to the lease of what used to be the Theater on the Ridge. (It is being renamed the Kodak Center for the Performing Arts.) This morning's Democrat and Chronicle ran a nice feature that highlights upcoming plans/events for the theater.
It was a pleasure for me to take part in testing the acoustics in the theater. As I roamed the theater and listened to musical instruments playing from several sections of the stage, I was very impressed with the sound. This will be a perfect location to stage broadway type shows and concerts, in addition to hosting other entertainment venues.
This theater has many memories for me. I will never forget the annual variety shows that were put on for Kodak workers, their families and the general public during the fifties and sixties, with a large orchestra in the pit conducted by Len Hawley.
Eastman Kodak renovated the seats in the theater a few years ago, anticipating continued use. RAPA will indeed be putting the theater to good use.
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