Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Catholic-Anglican Controversy

Dear Blog Visitors:

You are probably aware by now that the Vatican announced last week that the process for married Anglican priests converting to the Roman Catholic priesthood will be easier than it has been in the past.

I certainly want to welcome Anglican priests who convert to Roman Catholicism for the right reasons - namely, reasons of faith. However, when the reasons become political in scope, I hope the Vatican won't be too eager to bring these priests on board. In particular, if conservative Anglican priests are seeking admission as Catholic priests, simply because they are opposed to the ordination of women and gay men in their church, I believe there is a serious problem. In the video above, I try to raise corresponding issues in this regard.

On the positive side, Anglican priests who are admitted to the Roman Catholic priesthood can at least prove to the Vatican that Holy Orders and marriage can indeed be compatible. However, it is my hope that the Vatican will come to see the double-standard they are exercising. In brief, married priests from the Anglican tradition will be welcomed, and at the same time, the Vatican will continue to ostracize Roman Catholic priests who choose to marry.

I hope you will watch my video and then write your own commentaries on your respective blogs.

Peace to all,
Ray Grosswirth

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