Saturday, February 05, 2011

Sainthood for John Paul II

Dear Blog Visitors:

A few months ago, I articulated my reasons for opposing the canonization of Pope Pius XII. However, in the case of John Paul II, I find that I am favor of his canonization process, which seems to be on the fast track.

I was recently asked to sign a petition being circulated by a variety of Catholic reform organizations that are opposed to the canonization of John Paul II. While initially tempted to sign, I ultimately decided not to.

It is quite obvious that I was in disagreement with John Paul II's fierce defense of mandatory celibacy for priests. However, I found this was not a good reason to sign a petition in opposition to his canonization.

When a person is nominated for sainthood, his or her entire life needs to be taken to account. I did this in the case of John Paul II. I admired what he did as a young man in Poland. During this horrible period, he worked in the underground against the Nazi regime. Later in life, he supported the solidarity movement in Poland. I only wish he had voiced similar support for the liberation theology movement in Latin America.

I truly appreciated the friendship John Paul II developed with President Ronald Reagan. The two men have been justly credited with being largely responsible for the collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe.

I am also appreciative of the fact that Pope John Paul II and Archbishop Emmanuel Milingo were once friends. Obviously, the dynamics changed following Milingo's marriage. However, during their friendship, the late pontiff supported Milingo's efforts to ease the level of suffering and poverty in Africa.

I have included with this post photos of John Paul II with Ronald and Nancy Reagan and Archbishop Emmanuel Milingo. (Milingo ordained me a married priest in 2006.)

In conclusion, after much reflection, I support the canonization of John Paul II.

Peace to all,

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