Friday, August 26, 2011

Thanking and Remembering Vietnam Veterans

Dear Blog Visitors:

I am continuing to enjoy my retirement from many years of work at Rochester's City Hall. Between my hobbies, wedding ministry and daily walks and runs with an Alaskan Husky, I have not been bored.

I have been taking a lot of photos in retirement and posting many of them on my Facebook page. When I search for local locations to snap some images, I am often drawn to areas with a special spiritual connection. One such place is Rochester's Vietnam Memorial.

During my last trip to Washington, D.C., I spent some time at the National Vietnam Memorial. I did the same at Rochester's memorial yesterday. I highly recommend a visit by both Rochesterians and visitors to the city. A lot of work, compassion and reverence were devoted by those responsible for the memorial.

The Vietnam War was a divisive period in our country. Some supported the war, some protested against it, and others were neutral. Although I was granted an exemption from the war while in college for undergraduate study, I went for a physical at the local recruiting office following my studies. I was not admitted to the military, due to a variety of allergies that would have caused me problems in a jungle environment such as Vietnam. While I had mixed feelings about this particular war, I did not engage in any protests. So, I guess you can say I was one of those who held a neutral position. Nevertheless, I supported our troups.

As I visited the Rochester Vietnam Memorial yesterday, I recalled the faces of persons I knew who fought in the war. Most came back, and sadly, a few did not.

I took a few photos yesterday, and am sharing three of them as part of this blog post.

Peace to all,

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