Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Tutorial on Roman Catholic Mass Changes

Dear Blog Visitors:

While it is still my intention to write on a variety of topics at this blog, I will continue to offer religious perspectives when issues arise that stir my interest or concern.

If you are a Roman Catholic, you are aware that as of November, 2011, the English translation of the Mass will contain multiple changes. While I fully understand and appreciate the fact that U.S. bishops desired an English translation that is more in sync with the Latin, they should have also understood the need for worship language that has an easy flow for the faithful. They should have also taken into consideration the problems that would be encountered if present music does not work with a new translation. However, since the bishops have made up their minds and have voted affirmatively for the new translation, there is little that can be done at this point.

Although I minister independently of the Rochester Diocese, I am nevertheless occasionally asked questions about the new English translation of the Mass. I have therefore issued a tutorial video. In the video, I do not offer a critique, but I rather offer a comparison between the present and future translation.

Despite my occasional criticisms of procedural or administrative issues within the Roman Catholic Church, I do want the faithful to have a positive worship experience, regardless of the language of the Mass. I will therefore pray that despite a few problems with the new translation, that the faithful will continue to be persons who walk in the light of Christ.

Peace to all,

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