I want to take this opportunity to wish outgoing Rochester Mayor Bob Duffy well as he begins his new role as New York's Lieutenant Governor tomorrow.
It was interesting for me to notice that Bob's final act as Mayor was his signing the multiple contracts I rushed through during the past week.
A few friends have asked if I will be following Bob Duffy to Albany to be part of his team. The answer is no. I am looking forward to retirement from my long-time employment at City Hall, which will take place on May 6. As indicated in another blog post, I plan to spend my retirement years pursuing my passions and engaging more fully in my ministries as a married priest.
Bob Duffy will be a superb Lieutenant Governor, and I would not be surprised to see him in the White House in the future. I admire his ability to get things done, and I am sure he and Governor Andrew Cuomo will be a dynamic team.
It has been a couple months since I posted anything to my blog. This is because I have been busy with preparations for retirement from my secular job on May 6. As long as my health holds out, I am looking forward to a very active retirement, which will be inclusive of perhaps a part-time secular job, in addition to more involvement with my ministries as a married priest, such as officiating at weddings, baptisms and funerals. I also look forward to enhancing my creative passions in such areas as photography, video-making, classical music and acting.
One area that I plan to scale back is my involvement with efforts to reform the Roman Catholic Church - an involvement that has taken up approximately twenty years of my life. I am beginning to think it is time to allow the next generation to decide what kind of church it wants, whereby they can engage in the same type of lobbying with bishops my generation has experienced (perhaps with better results).
In the video above, I sing my all-time favorite traditional Christmas Carol, which is 'Silent Night.'
My very best wishes to all of you for a very blessed Christmas season.
I want to begin by thanking a few of my Facebook friends, who have e-mailed me messages designed to encourage me to consider running for Mayor of Rochester. While I am flattered that anyone would even think of me in a mayoral position, I simply must state that I have no intention of placing my hat in the ring. Furthermore, I don’t meet the legal requirements for a candidate, as specified in the City of Rochester’s Charter. Specifically, a candidate for the Mayor of Rochester must have been a resident of the city for at least two years immediately preceding the election. (Although I spent most of my life within city limits, I have been a resident of the town of Henrietta, New York for the past 17 years.)
While I have been grateful for my Civil Service employment at City Hall for the past twenty-three years, I am also looking forward to my retirement in May of 2011. Could I be coaxed back to City Hall to work in an appointed position by a mayor I support? Perhaps. However, my plans right now are to get back to my many creative pursuits, which have been somewhat on hold during the stressful four-year period of my present position at City Hall.
Now that it is perfectly clear that I am not running for Mayor of the City of Rochester, this is not to say that I don’t have ideas for the City’s future. I will briefly outline these ideas, based partly on the fact that I am both a fiscal conservative and a social liberal. Therefore, if I were a candidate for Mayor, I would be pushing for drastic cuts in wasteful spending, while at the same time, preserving vital services that are expected from taxpayers.
In the context of my twenty-three years at City Hall, I have seen from the ground up how money is spent. Especially over the course of the past four years, my present position as the City’s Accounts Payable Supervisor has allowed me to view documents that have been the springboard for multi-million-dollar expenditures.
I have openly questioned (often to deaf ears) why the City of Rochester is spending literally millions of dollars each year on consultant fees. After all, isn’t there enough talent within the ranks of City employees to make decisions that are often a matter of common sense? Do we need to pay a consultant $10,000.00 to determine whether or not a proposal is a good idea? Do we need to pay a consultant to determine whether or not departmental consolidations make sense? Do we need to pay a consultant to determine whether or not a youth intervention program makes sense? In short, one consultant fee after another has cost taxpayers countless millions.
In conjunction with consultant fees, I oversee much of the paperwork associated with the City’s professional service agreements. It is fair to say that the City engages in professional service agreements with just about every outside entity imaginable, again costing taxpayers countless millions. While it is certainly important to provide City business to private vendors whenever possible, the City must also continue to look within, to see how much in taxpayer revenue can be saved by allowing City employees to perform functions that are solicited elsewhere at great cost.
I have long questioned the manner in which public works projects are put out for bid. If all legal requirements are met, it is quite common to award contracts to the lowest bidders on such projects. However, the lowest bid quickly escalates to huge dollars after ‘change orders’ are submitted by contractors awarded the contracts. Fortunately, my complaints on this matter have received an ear and perhaps methodologies will change.
When I ran for public office in 1983, I supported a proposal to merge the City of Rochester’s Police Department with the Monroe County Sheriff’s Department, which would have created a metro police force. There was widespread support for this proposal, resulting in a voter referendum. Unfortunately, the proposal was rejected. (City residents overwhelmingly supported it; County residents rejected it by a narrow majority.) I think that given the current tight budget that exists at both the City and County levels, it is perhaps time again to consider a police consolidation plan.
As with any government entity, schools swallow up a huge chunk of budget allocations. In Monroe County alone, we have multiple school districts, inclusive of the Rochester City School District. I therefore have to pose a simple question: Does a metro school system make sense, given today’s financial realities? It is certainly an idea worthy of some dialogue.
On a weekly basis, I see hundreds of taxpayers standing in line at City Hall to either pay bills or fees. The same scenario plays out on a weekly basis at the Monroe County Office Building. A simple question: Why not consolidate the City and County clerk’s offices? It would amount to one-stop shopping and paying for taxpayers.
Downtown Rochester is in the process of undergoing major structural change. I would certainly like to see the downtown district return to the glory of yesteryear. The New York City Times Square district is a perfect example of what can be accomplished with proper planning, combined with enhanced public safety considerations. For example, during a recent visit to the heart of New York City, I never felt endangered, due in large part to the large presence of police officers at every intersection. This will be key to the success of downtown Rochester. People want to feel that it is safe to venture downtown in the evening. Therefore, as plans continue to enhance entertainment and business venues, public safety must be a primary factor if downtown is to come alive with prosperity.
As with any major municipality, most violent crimes occur at the hands of youth and young adults. I fully support any programs that deter such violent activity. However, any initiatives must begin at home. Therefore, any taxpayer funds spent on deterring crime must also be targeted toward parenting skills that will help our youth grow to become responsible adults. I have no magic solution on this topic. The City of Rochester has made great strides toward combating crime and addresses root causes. However, more must be done, whereby the dialogue must continue between youth, parents, schools, police, professional counselors, religious communities and advocacy networks.
I have provided what amounts to a very brief blueprint for the City of Rochester. I want to wish Mayor Robert Duffy well as begins his new post as Lieutenant Governor of the State of New York in January. He has done a superb job as Mayor and his shoes will be hard to fill. He has selected Tom Richards as Rochester’s new Deputy Mayor, and the expectation is that Tom will take over as interim Mayor at the appointed time. Tom will do a great job, and whether or not he decides to actually run for the office at the time of the next election is an open question. In the meantime, I hope that Democratic committees will consider Molly Clifford as well. She has enormous talent and should be given every consideration.
As I go about the business of planning for my retirement from my long-time position at City Hall, I will pray that the City of Rochester continues to thrive as one of America’s finest cities.
UPDATE - DECEMBER 16, 2010: Molly Clifford announced today that she will not be a candidate in the special mayoral election in March. I was prepared to support her candidacy and then perhaps seek a position in her administration. However, I have no doubt that Tom Richards will do a spectacular job after winning the special election (victory is assured). My hope is that he will appoint Molly Clifford as Deputy Mayor. They would be a dynamic team.
Although I minister independently of the Rochester Diocese in my capacity as a married priest, I nevertheless have considerable contact with Roman Catholics locally and beyond. In some of my conversations, I have learned that quite a few diocesan Catholics are concerned about the health of their parish priests.
As parishes continue to cluster, diocesan priests are experiencing more pressures, in terms of both increased office work and the amount of time they spend on sacramental functions. Consequently, they have very little time for physical exercise, and paying attention to their diets is something that is being tragically neglected.
You may have seen some of my videos in which I try to gently coax priests into some simple exercise, occasionally utilizing humor, but always mindful of the fact that there are serious consequences for neglecting one's physical well-being.
In the video above, I once again reprise my role as the 'dancing priest.' In this demonstration, I use barbells and a cane as props, in addition to providing a few dance steps.
As I continue to research my ancestry, I have been doing some writing on some of the more notable members of my family. One such person was the late Jay Jason. (His real name was Jonas Levy.) Jay's name will be familiar to those of you who used to frequent what was commonly referred to as 'The Borscht Belt.'
The Borscht Belt was a name given to a group of summer resorts that lined the area surrounded by the Catskill Mountains in New York State.
If you have been following either my blog or YouTube channel, you are aware that I have Judaism on my father's side of the family and Catholicism on my mother's side. One of my fondest memories of growing up in a mixed religious environment was our annual trek to the Prospect Inn in the Catskills. During some of these outings, we were able to see my cousin, Jay Jason, perform on stage. He also performed regularly at the well-known and popular resort, 'Grossinger's.'
The Borscht Belt resorts were created in response to anti-semitism that was sadly rampant in the United States for many years. While it may be hard to believe for those in the younger generation, the fact remains that it was difficult for Jewish families to register in hotels in many of our American cities. (Be sure to see the 1945 movie, 'Gentlemen's Agreement' that focuses on this issue.) So, the Borscht Belt was created so that Jewish families would have a safe refuge on summer vacations.
In addition to performing at Catskill resorts, my cousin Jay Jason also appeared a few times on the Ed Sullivan Show. I recall Jay telling me that Ed Sullivan was often nervous about comedians appearing on live television, so they had to assure Ed that their jokes were clean.
I thought I would pay tribute to Jay by posting the memorabilia posted above.
An inspiring piece from the Chicago Tribune caught my attention this morning. It is headlined, 'Excommunicate Me, Please.'
When I was ordained a married priest in 2006, there were two responses from members of the Roman Catholic hierarchy. One response was that because of my actions, I excommunited myself. The other response was the my ordination was valid, but illicit. The fact remains that I never received a formal excommunication letter from the Vatican. Does this mean I am in limbo? However, like many married priests around the world, I remain in active ministry, officiating at weddings, baptisms and funerals (in my case, with legal recognized certification from the Federation of Christian Ministries).
In recent years, we have seen many women ordained as priests. Yet, to the best of my knowledge, none of them have received a formal excommunication letter from the Vatican. As in the case of myself, these women have simply been told that by their actions, they have excommunicated themselves from the Roman Catholic Church.
Someone recently asked me if the Vatican sends excommunication letters anymore. The simple answer is that they do, but only when it is determined that individual actions are serious enough to merit such correspondence.
It is interesting to note that when a Roman Catholic priest is found guilty of the crime of pedophilia, he is not excommunicated. However, when married men are ordained or when women are ordained, the official line is that they "excommunicated themselves" by their actions. Go figure!
The bottom line is that the Roman Catholic Church can't afford to excommunicate multitudes of people. As it is, the church is in dire straits financially. Parishes worldwide are closing, and collections are off due to a stagnant economy. Correspondingly, papal trips have been curtailed, due in part to shrinking contributions to the Holy See. So, it is reasonable to assume that the Roman Catholic Church is in no position to kick members out for such matters as seeking ordination via alternative means.
I will close this posting with the piece I referenced from the Chicago Tribune, entitled 'Excommunicate Me, Please.'
Would someone in Rome formally excommunicate me, please? I want to be excommunicated by the Roman Catholic Church because walking away will break my heart.
My grandparents left Ireland with nothing but their vibrant faith. They and my parents brought my siblings and me to a baptismal font and promised to guide us to Christ. And, they did that by word and deed. They taught us to love the Gospel and challenged us to live that Gospel at all costs. I love the Mass, Catholic social teaching, the scores of nuns who built the church around the world, the dedicated priests and people who love God with all their hearts and bring that love to the world. It is my life, the center of every experience, the filter for reality.
But, the headlines continue — more pedophilia, more stonewalling by the bishops, more "norms" from Rome protecting perpetrators. Now, it is a "crime" of the church to attempt to ordain people like Mother Teresa or St. Teresa of Avila — women. And, the hierarchy, who have arguably hidden crimes and criminals, who will not open the books so we can see where our money has gone and who always claim the moral high ground, have grouped ordaining women with pedophilia.
Our heads swirl. How can we stay in a church whose leaders protect pedophiles? Yet, how can we leave and relinquish our church to those very leaders?
We have a financial remedy — write "one time bequest" on your parish contribution check and all the money will stay in your parish; none will go downtown. Do it. That will stop the spigot of money to the hierarchy and may get their attention. But, it doesn't salve our consciences about how to live the Gospel in an institution off the rails.
We watch the bishops ignore recommendations from fellow Catholics who served on an abuse panel. We have waited for the civil authorities to empanel grand juries and bring indictments, but that has not happened. And, our long wait for a bishop or priest of courage, of conscience, to speak up and say "enough" has proven fruitless. The priests are scared of retribution from the bishops; they tell us so.
So, each person must decide: Stay and fight (cutting off the money but with little hope for change) or leave. Both options are spiritually and emotionally exhausting.
That's why, silly as it sounds, formal excommunication by the hierarchy would be a welcome relief. If they would just make the decision for me, give me a piece of paper that says, "you're out," it would free my conscience of all of this. Then someday, when I see the faces of my grandparents, I can assure them that I fought the good fight, finished the race and kept the faith that they gave me at that baptismal font long ago.
I just wish they were here to tell me what that means right now.
Come Holy Spirit.
Sheila O'Brien is a wife, mother, daughter, sister, a product of 22 years of Catholic education and active in her parish. She is a justice of the Illinois Appellate Court, Chicago.
As I was combing my hair this morning, I thought of a line from Shakespeare: "Parting is such sweet sorrow." If I were to do this at the seashore, I guess I would be referred to as a 'beach comber.'
Hopefully, you'll excuse the play on words above. This was simply a lead-in to the video I have posted, which serves the purpose of a long-held secret: I color my hair. I thought it would be fun to get away from my usual video format, ranging from social topics to church politics. In this particular video, I take viewers with me for a visit to my hair stylist, Shari (daughter of high school classmate). We shot this at Donna B's in Penfield, New York.
As I near retirement from my job at City Hall, I may let my gray hair color return. For the time being, the coloring helps me to blend in with my co-workers, many of whom are much younger than myself. (As I point out in the video, I would hate for anyone in my work environment to accuse me of being an old fart; the hair coloring at least helps me to fit in with the crowd visually.)
I realize this is quite a departure from my usual fare. However, I look forward to expanding my horizons in my soon-to-be-retired state, whereby I hope to address a variety of topics at both my blog and YouTube channel, whether I appear in brown or gray hair.
If you have followed my blog the past month, you are aware that I announced a shift of focus, concerning the subject matter I will be covering. Whereas I used to devote the vast majority of my writings to reform initiatives in the Roman Catholic Church, I made a decision that I wanted to address other topics of interest as well. However, when an important matter arises in the Catholic Church, I will certainly address it from time to time.
A matter of extreme importance arose the past week that I felt needed at least a few comments on my part. In brief, a Vatican official stuck his foot in his mouth by announcing that in the future, any woman seeking ordination to the priesthood would be guilty of a crime against the church as serious as sexual abuse by a priest.
The Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith perhaps does not realize that the Inquisition ended a long time ago. However, the behavior of Vatican officials is such that we have to wonder if they want to bring back the days of extreme punishment and banishment for matters such as the ordination of women.
As can be expected, many Catholic reform organizations have issued press releases in response to the Vatican's latest display of stupidity. I was very pleased to write a press release for CORPUS (www.corpus.org), which is the National Association for an Inclusive Priesthood. (I was national secretary of the organization for a few years, and now serve as its national media liaison.) Here is the press release I wrote, which is posted at the CORPUS website:
PRESS RELEASE CORPUS The National Association for an Inclusive Priesthood www.corpus.org
July 10, 2010
CORPUS (The National Association for an Inclusive Priesthood) is appalled by a recent Vatican announcement that the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith would treat any “attempted ordination of a woman” as a serious crime against the church. In fact, such an ‘attempted’ ordination would be classified by the church hierarchy as the same category of offense as sexual abuse.
CORPUS would like to point out that sexual abuse is not only a crime against the church, but is a civil offense as well, whereby convicted offenders are sentenced to lengthy jail sentences. Does the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith propose that women called to ordination, and those who support these ordinations, should be arrested, tried and sentenced to prison? This perhaps would have been the case during the infamous Inquisition. However, this is the twenty-first century, and women have long claimed their rightful place in society as equals to men.
CORPUS began over thirty-five years ago as a supportive and collaborative organization for ordained celibate priests who later entered into marriage. As our organization grew, we came to realize that we could not truly call ourselves inclusive until we fully addressed and supported the call of women to ordained priesthood in the Catholic Church. So, we have moved from being an organization devoted exclusively as a means of support for married priests and their wives to an organization that embraces all called to ordination, inclusive of women.
CORPUS has come to embrace the fact that the Eucharist is central to all Catholics, whether they be on the liberal or traditional side of the spectrum. Due to a severe shortage in the number of ordained celibate male priests, our organization has sought creative ways to bring consecrated elements to believers. In this respect, we fully endorse the ordination of women to the priesthood and we will continue to support women who are called by helping to nourish their journeys and to be a visible presence at their ordinations.
An inclusive church continues to be a reality, with or without the support of the Vatican.
On occasion, friends will inform me when they notice a blog post that is critical of me. Just yesterday, a friend let me know that an orthodox Catholic blogger referred to me as a heretic, for the simple reason that I don't follow all the rules of the Roman Catholic hierarchy.
I am the first to admit that I don't follow all the rules of the RCC hierarchy. So, if an orthodox Catholic wishes to refer to me as a heretic, I am certainly fine with that.
As I have grown older, I have become increasingly fascinated with images sent to us from the Hubbel telescope. The images help us to realize that the universe is much larger than we ever imagined. When we consider the vastness of God's creation, we also come to realize that what we know of our Creator is in actuality very little.
Many persons have told me that they are suspicious of any religious institution that claims to have the fulness of truth about God. I share in such suspicions, which is why I have occasionally challenged assertions made by members of the Roman Catholic hierarchy.
In the video above, I examine the mystery of God. My primary thesis is that all we can say about God without absolute certainty is that he is MYSTERY.
Dear Blog Visitors:
I thought I would take a break from my routine blog posts to give you a glimpse into my past life as a radio personality. In brief, I was known as 'The Wizard of Pun' on Rochester radio station WAXC from 1975-1978.
It was with great joy that I recently reflected on my three years in radio for the purpose of adding to an on-line radio archive. If you click onto the audio player above, you will hear two of my appearances on WAXC as 'The Wizard of Pun.' The first selection is the final episode, which aired in 1978 (includes a recent reflection on my three years with WAXC); the second episode, from 1976, was in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the telephone.
It was a lot of fun working with Ferdinand Jay Smith, Larry White, Ray Levato, Charles Hill and Gary Warren on a daily basis at WAXC, and I am thankful that audio memories remain for those with an interest in radio history.
I want to take this opportunity to wish Scott Caton well as he prepares for his ordination to the priesthood in 2011. In preparation for his ordination, he will be serving in the transitional diaconate at Blessed Sacrament Church in Rochester.
What makes this particular ordination unusual is that Scott is a former Protestant minister who converted to Catholicism, and he is married with six children. I want to be sincere with my welcome to him, because after all, he may help to prove a point I have been trying to make for over twenty years - namely, that Holy Orders and Marriage are entirely complementary.
On the negative side, Scott's admission to the Roman Catholic priesthood highlights a double-standard that is operative in the church. In brief, if a married Protestant minister converts to Catholicism, he is allowed to become a Catholic priest if Vatican approval is granted. If, on the other hand, a married Catholic seeks Holy Orders, he faces condemnation by the powers-that-be. To make matters worse, if a validly ordained celibate priest wishes to marry, he is forced out of his active ministry.
Ironically, Scott Caton will be serving at the same parish where I am not allowed to receive Communion. While I have been able to receive Communion at other parishes, Blessed Sacrament Church is the one notable exception. The reason? I was ordained a married Catholic priest at the hands of a married Catholic archbishop in 2006. So, I agreed to the request of Blessed Sacrament's pastor that I not receive Communion there, because he was afraid conservative members of the parish would complain if I did.
Considering the vast number of parish closings in Rochester and beyond, the Vatican needs to revisit its long-standing policy of mandatory celibacy for priests. The bottom line is that we already have married priests in the Catholic Church, and Scott Caton will become another one. I chose an alternative route to ordination as a married Catholic priest, and I am thankful that I am at least allowed to officiate at weddings, baptisms and funerals via my certification from the Federation of Christian Ministries.
I continue to pray, as I do every day, for a more inclusive priesthood in the Roman Catholic Church.
I continue to pray for the day when men and women members of the clergy will serve side-by-side in all religious denominations. This, of course, includes the Roman Catholic Church, which continues to insist that its priests be male and celibate.
Rochester, New York is indeed blessed to be the host city for many religious events at which male and female members of the clergy celebrate together for common causes. In the two photos above, taken by David Lewis, an inclusive clergy is gathered (including yours truly) for the ordination of five Catholic women to the priesthood.
While a Vatican spokesperson will often issue a negative comment concerning such an event as the ordination of women, there was notable silence on this particular occasion. My sense is that even the Vatican has come to realize that women are answering their calls to ordination with increased frequency and nothing will stop the will of the Holy Spirit.
At a time when parish closures are commonplace, and the numbers of men willing to commit to a life of celibacy are dwindling, I continue to pray that the Vatican will come to realize the potential of men and women serving side-by-side at the altar. I hope Pope Benedict XVI will take a good look at the photos above, and then try to envision a gathering such as Vatican III, at which men and women would be making important decisions to ensure the viability of the Catholic Church for the next two thousand years and beyond.
Let us continue to pray that all religious communities experience the type of inclusivity represented in the above photos.
As I move closer to retirement from my secular job (Accounts Payable Supervisor for the City of Rochester), the number one question I am constantly asked is: "What are you going to do in retirement?" A corresponding question I am often asked is: "Are you going to start your own church?"
Starting a church is a daunting task for anyone who is called to active ministry, so I don't realistically see myself doing that. If, on the other hand, a faith community calls me forth, I will certainly enter into a dialogue to see if there is a potential meeting of the minds and spirit.
At present, I am not leading a faith community. In fact, there are some Sundays I am so exhausted from my secular job, that I simply find the need for solitude. (After racing against the clock the rest of the week, I occasionally need a Sunday to recharge my batteries.) When I do attend liturgies, it can either be at a diocesan parish, Spiritus Christi Church, or any number of worship spaces where the Holy Spirit leads me.
Last weekend was very special for me. As indicated in another blog post, I participated in a three-hour liturgy at Spiritus Christi Church, during which five women were ordained. I want to thank David Lewis for taking the three photos above at the May 1 liturgy. I am pictured making introductory remarks, prior to presenting the five ordinands with gifts from the CORPUS (www.corpus.org) community. (Deacons received pyxes and priests received oil stocks.)
Just as I pray for all of you, I ask that you keep me in your prayers as I discern my future after I retire from my secular job. I am open to wherever the Holy Spirit leads me.
I am filled with joy today because I took part in the ordination of five women in Rochester. The two newly ordained priests are Chava Redonnet and Theresa Novak Chabot, and the three newly ordained deacons are Caryl Johnson, Patti LaRosa and Ann Penick. Chava Redonnet will be serving the Rochester community and the others will serve in their respective cities/communities.
I want to thank Spiritus Christi Church for allowing RCWP (Roman Catholic Women Priests) to use their worship space for today's ordinations. It was also very generous of Rev. Jim Callan to host several out-of-town guests in his home for a couple days. I also want to thank the many musicians from Spiritus Christi who enriched the ordination liturgy.
The presiding bishop for today's ordinations was Andrea Johnson. (I have known Andrea for several years as a result of conferences we have attended that dealt with inclusive ministry.) Andrea did a spectacular job as presider of a three-hour liturgy. The time passed quickly, because the liturgy was rich with symbolism and the presence of the Holy Spirit.
Thus far, there have been approximately 100 Catholic women ordained for service throughout the world, and the numbers will grow. As media liaison for CORPUS (www.corpus.org), I am very proud of the fact that our organization has embraced the ordination of women and some of our members have served as mentors for women preparing for ordination.
As the number of women called to ordination continues to grow, I was initially concerned that the support of married priests for these ordinations would not be reciprocated. However, my concern turned out to be short-lived, because my conversations with women priests and bishops have assured me that they do indeed support the ministries of married priests and partnerships we have forged will only get stronger. Therefore, I am delighted to report that a very successful collaboration will continue - namely, the partnership of Roman Catholic Women Priests, Women's Ordination Conference, Federation of Christian Ministries and CORPUS.
In the video that appears above, I reported on today's ordination liturgy. (The red stole I am wearing in the video is the same one I wore for the ordinations.) I have also included a photo of newly ordained priest, Chava Redonnet, giving Communion to Mary Ramerman.
Once again, my congratulations to Chava, Theresa, Caryl, Patti and Ann.
We continue to be saturated with stories in the media concerning the escalating sexual abuse crisis in the Roman Catholic Church. As you know, I have made several videos on this topic, and I have tried to identify causes and solutions to the crisis.
A couple days ago, I received a letter from a Pittsburgh diocesan priest. His request to me was very simple and reasonable. In brief, he asked that I consider making a video that recognizes the many good priests throughout the world, who continue to serve faithfully, despite the hardships caused by the abuse crisis.
In the video I am providing above, I indeed paid tribute to all priests who serve those in need, whether the priests be celibate, married or women.
The Pittsburgh priest who wrote the letter to me helped me to realize the stigma many good priests experience in public places. In this particular case, the priest experienced people staring at him at an airport, since he was wearing a collar, whereas this was not the case before the sexual abuse scandal became headline news. It is indeed tragic that it is now difficult for a priest to wear a collar in a public place.
While we must continue to work toward solutions that will end the sexual abuse crisis in the Roman Catholic Church, we must also continue to express our gratitude to the vast majority of priests who serve faithfully on a daily basis.
I haven't posted anything since Easter, due to the fact that I am gearing up for my annual hectic pace connected with my secular job at City Hall in Rochester. This is not to say that my job doesn't keep me busy other times of the year, which is evidenced by the fact that I haven't taken a vacation day since December 24 (Christmas Eve). However, as the City prepares to transition from one fiscal year to the next (May through July), I can't say I look forward to the annual ritual of dashing through the halls at breakneck speed, and shuffling paperwork at 100 miles per hour
My workload will actually increase if Mayor Duffy's plan to take over the Rochester City School District succeeds (I would be responsible for the School District's payables in addition to my present duties of supervising payables for all City departments.) However, I nevertheless support the Mayor's plan, because I know he is 100% committed to top-quality education.
A friend recently asked if I live in City Hall, because I always seem to be consumed by my job. The answer is obviously no. However, even at home, my mind is often on work and it is not uncommon for me to start the day's planning process as early as 3:00 AM and it is quite common for me to take work home with me when stacks of paper rise faster than my pen can move. (NOTE TO TAXPAYERS: I DON'T CHARGE THE CITY FOR OVERTIME, AND I HAVE DONATED MANY MONTHS OF VACATION TO THE CITY AS WELL.)
Whenever I do find that I am consumed by my work, and even when it becomes overwhelming, I have to remind myself that I am fortunate to be employed, and I continue to pray for those who are without work. Nevertheless, it is my hope to be able to retire from my City Hall job in 2011 and devote the rest of my life to ministry and my personal hobbies, in addition to perhaps working at a part-time secular job I might enjoy.
I am actually going to try to take some leisure time this weekend, especially considering that I worked last weekend. Next weekend, I am looking forward to participating in the ordination of five women (three deacons and two priests).
I have actually been too busy with work to write on church reform topics the past few weeks, which will make my critics happy. However, I may find the time to produce another video for my YouTube channel. In the meantime, my best to all of you.
In the video above, I put politics aside and wished all a very blessed Easter. It is my prayer that despite all the tensions in the world, and the terrilbe news concerning worldwide sexual abuse in the Catholic Church, that somehow the good news of the Resurrection will lift us up out of the ashes.
In the spirit of ecumenism, I attended a beautiful and meaninful Good Friday celebration at Incarnate Word Lutheran Church in Rochester. The music was a wonderful complement to the reading of John's Passion. Incarnate Word is known for its top-notch liturgical music and I was not disappointed.
I find I still cringe at the reading of John's account of the Passion, due to the blame John placed on first century Jews for the Crucifixion. This has led to many centuries of anti-semitism. Fortunately, Vatican II and contemporary scholarship have remedied the injustice caused by John's Passion narrative. While most of John's Gospel contains a wonderful theological treatise on the human and divine attributes of Jesus, I would much prefer that Luke's Passion narrative be used on Good Friday.
My thanks to Incarnate Word for a Good Friday liturgy that was well done. I also want to thank the pastoral staff, musicians and all others who worked hard to put together a very special Easter morning liturgy at St. Anne Roman Catholic Church in Rochester. The music was very uplifting and my attending gave me an opportunity to see my good friends, Fr. Jim Lawlor and Sr. Joan Sobala (pastoral administrator at the parish).
May the Risen Christ be with all of you during the Easter season.
The topic of sexual abuse in the Catholic Church has been headline news for the past couple weeks, considering that the full scope of the crisis is only now coming under unprecedented scrutity.
Thus far, I have addressed this looming crisis from two perspectives: 1.) the role mandatory celibacy may have played; 2.) the role the pope may have played.
In the video above, I address a third dimension of the sexual abuse crisis - namely, the role the Seal of Confession may have played. My recommendation in the video is that the Vatican examine its long-standing policy of secrecy in the confessional booth (whatever is revealed is never disclosed). In cases when priests admit to abusing a child, the priest hearing such a confession should be allowed to report such revelations to bishops or civil authorities. Pastoral counselors, for example, are required by law to report cases of revealed abuse. Therefore, priests should place the protection and rights of victims over a possible cover-up created by the Seal of Confession.
Let us continue to pray that the Vatican deals with this crisis in a realistic manner.
I have often envisioned what it would be like to have a conversation with Pope Benedict XVI on a variety of church-related issues.
You may recall that I made a video a couple years ago that amounted to be a spoof of an imagined phone call between the pontiff and myself on the issue of clerical celibacy. Utilizing a combination of humor and serious-minded data, the video remains the most-watched of my YouTube entries.
In the video above, you won't find any humor, due to the very serious topic that is being addressed - namely, sexual abuse in the Roman Catholic Church. The more we learn, it has become apparent that our pontiff had first-hand knowledge of many abuse cases when, as Cardinal Josef Ratzinger, he was head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. In this dramatized video, I imagine having a cell-phone conversation with Benedict XVI, during which I make two recommendations to him.
Let us pray that Benedict does the right thing in the face of this highly-charged controversy.
Several years ago, prior to my ordination as a married priest, I wrote my '95 Theses.' After much contemplation, I have decided that it is time for another group of theses. This time, I have chosen one topic, as did Martin Luther. While the topic of Luther was indulgences, I feel it is important to make 40 points on the issue of mandated clerical celibacy. (The number ‘40’ is significant in a biblical sense.)
Before listing my 40 theses for your consideration, it is important to state that I fully realize that at least some priests are called to a life of celibacy. St. Paul realized as far back as the first century that some persons are called to a celibate life, whereas others are called to marriage. In our contemporary society, relationships have come to encompass many definitions, and I want to celebrate the coming together of all committed partnerships, just as I recognize and respect those who have been called to a life of celibacy. However, when celibacy is mandated as a condition for ordination to priestly life, questions must be raised, and I raise them here.
What follows are my ’40 Theses on Mandated Clerical Celibacy.’
1.)When Jesus invited his disciples to follow him, he did not instruct them to leave their spouses behind.
2.)Mandated celibacy violates natural law.
3.)Mandated celibacy celebrates a male hierarchy and diminishes the role of women.
4.)Mandated celibacy can lead to sexual frustration; sexual frustration can lead to sexual abuse.
5.)The primary beneficiary of mandated celibacy is the hierarchy.
6.)The call to priesthood is diminished by mandated celibacy.
7.)Mandated celibacy gives marriage a secondary status.
8.)Mandated celibacy obscures the first 11 centuries of a married priesthood.
9.)The commandment of Jesus to “love one another” takes on the dimension of “love only thy self” with mandated celibacy.
10.)Availability of the Eucharist is jeopardized with the policy of mandated celibacy.
11.)Our liturgy documents call us to active participation. Mandated celibacy calls our priests to a state of subjective pacifism.
12.)Mandated celibacy can create an unhealthy fear of women.
13.)25,000 priests in the United States entered into marriage. The policy of mandated celibacy keeps them on the sidelines.
14.)120,000 priests worldwide entered into marriage. As in the case of U.S. priests, they are sidelined by the policy of mandated celibacy.
15.)The ‘fathers’ of our 5th century church were guilty of distorting the leadership roles played by women of the first four centuries, in an attempt to set the stage toward eventual implementation of mandated celibacy in the 12th century.
16.)A celibate priest should not be a primary source of marriage counseling.
17.)Mandated celibacy can lead to faulty theology, such as Thomas Aquinas referring to women as “misbegotten males.”
18.)It should be no surprise that the “Fishers of Men” campaign, launched by the U.S. bishops to recruit potential seminarians, was a dismal failure. A counter-campaign needs to be launched, such as “Mandatory Celibacy Does Not Work.”
19.)Our bishops are guilty of hypocrisy: While rejecting optional celibacy, they nevertheless welcome married Protestant ministers who wish to convert to Catholicism and serve as Roman Catholic priests.
20.)The pope should not have absolute authority on the issue of mandated celibacy. The road to optional celibacy can be paved when individual bishops are allowed to use married priests on an as-needed basis.
21.)Bishops are afraid that optional celibacy will lead to further discussion on the ordination of women. The policy of mandatory celibacy will not silence this debate. Women must become equal partners at the altar.
22.)Jesus took the bread, broke it, and gave it to his disciples (men & women). He did not say, “let celibate men alone do this in memory of me.”
23.)When Jesus turned water into wine at Cana, it was not for the sole purpose of enhancing the party. It was rather a witnessing event for the men and women present, so they together could go out and preach the good news as an inclusive discipleship. There was no mandated celibacy at this gathering.
24.)When Jesus multiplied the fish and the loaves, it was an example all men and women of faith were to follow, whereby they were expected to feed the hungry and nourish their spirituality as well. There was no place for mandated celibacy at the scene of this commissioning.
25.)When a priest invokes the Holy Spirit to come upon the gifts to make them holy, the Holy Spirit does not come because it is a celibate priest extending the invitation. The Holy Spirit rather comes on behalf of an inclusive community, whereby artificial barriers between the celibate and non-celibate are erased.
26.)The image of a celibate male as the highest form of piety is a sacrilege, especially when the Vatican instructs Anglicans that the consecration of women bishops will be a barrier to ecumenical talks.
27.)The so-called ‘priesthood shortage’ is of the Vatican’s own making. Mandated celibacy is no longer a noble pursuit – not that it ever was.
28.)Seminaries, once a staple of the American landscape, are quickly fading into the sunset. The reason is simply the expected adherence to mandatory celibacy as one completes the formation process.
29.)A healthy formation program would ideally be one in which a prospective priest is not chosen on the sole basis of promised obedience to a bishop and a promise to live a celibate life. A forced lifestyle, for the sake of the priesthood, can lead to multiple dysfunctions.
30.)Early councils of the church argued over the nature of Jesus, until such time it was agreed that He was fully human and fully divine. His human nature was to be with us, minus any distinctions between married, single, male or female persons. He promised the Kingdom to all the faithful. Mandated celibacy does not give a priest a special status or front-row seatin the Kingdom.
31.)The desire for a policy of optional celibacy should be equated with a desire for inclusivity, as opposed to disobedience to a bishop.
32.)As long as the mandated celibacy policy continues, our priests will continue to be victims of burn-out, considering our current ratio of one celibate priest per 3,500 Catholics in the United States.
33.)Although statistics indicate the number of Catholics in the United States is steadily increasing, parish closings are increasing as well. The blame for this can be at least partially placed on our pontiff’s insistence that the mandated celibacy policy for priests remains intact. The Vatican’s solution is to ‘warehouse’ Catholics into mega-churches. Let married priests come to the rescue!
34.)The imposition of mandatory celibacy had nothing to do with theology; it was rather an economic decision.
35.)Simplistic theology used by our hierarchy suggests that since Jesus was celibate, priests should live likewise. In the first place, we don’t know for sure that Jesus was celibate. (Neither his sexuality nor his marital status were discussed by the Gospel writers.) Anyone who could prove that Jesus was celibate would be hard-pressed to make the case that He expected his followers to be celibate.
36.)During the past decade, a few writers have substantiated claims that many so-called celibate priests have been involved in clandestine relationships. Keeping these relationships secret allows them to maintain their canonical priesthood. However, a validated relationship, such as a marriage, results in dismissal from the canonical state. This begs the question: How many priests are truly living according to a mandated celibate state?
37.)Mary Magdalene and Mary, mother of Jesus, remained at the foot of the Cross, while the male disciples ran, due to fear. The injustice, in terms of our priesthood, is that celibate men can be ordained and faithful women cannot. This needs to change!
38.)We have been taught to believe that to be in union with Rome, one must subscribe to all of the church’s core teachings, including the teaching on clerical celibacy. Although technically a policy, as opposed to a core belief, priests are nevertheless prohibited from questioning their bishops on the topic of celibacy. Bishops, in turn, are consistently told they are to refrain from talking about celibacy, since this is an issue reserved exclusively for the pontiff. It is time to allow open and honest dialogue!
39.)Those of us committed to reform will not be silent on the issue of mandated clerical celibacy. Furthermore, we will not be silent on the issue of sexist ordination policies. We want change, and we want it now!
40.)Jesus invited all who were thirsty to come to the water. Multitudes of Roman Catholics around the world have come to the water, and are seeking nourishment that can only be provided with a sufficient number of priests to tend to their sacramental needs. Mandatory celibacy is a hindrance, as opposed to an instrument of faith. Those of called to active ministry will be agents of the Gospel, with or without the blessings of Rome.
It appears that the lid of the Vatican box of secrets has been opened. When the Boston Globe was the first major publication to reveal the full scope of the sexual abuse crisis in the United States (2002), there was a mistaken impression that this was a problem unique to America. We now know this is not the case, because of international revelations that have come full circle in the past week.
It is safe to say that we have only begun to experience the tip of the iceberg. In addition to the United States, the Vatican has reluctantly admitted to far-reaching abuse cases that encompass all expanses of Europe and third world countries.
I was very pleased to learn yesterday that members of the Roman Catholic hierarchy in Austria are beginning to raise a question I raised in a video I made yesterday. Namely, Austrian bishops are now wondering if the policy of mandatory priestly celibacy has contributed to the sexual abuse crisis.
All Roman Catholic cardinals need to admit to a certain degree of guilt when it comes to conspiracies and cover-ups involving the sexual abuse crisis. Let us take a look at the oath they are required to take upon assuming their duties:
“I (name and surname), Cardinal of the Holy Roman Church, promise and swear to be faithful henceforth and forever, while I live, to Christ and his Gospel, being constantly obedient to the Holy Roman Apostolic Church, to Blessed Peter in the person of the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI, and of his canonically elected Successors; to maintain communion with the Catholic Church always, in word and deed: NOT TO REVEAL TO ANY ONE WHAT IS CONFIDED TO ME IN SECRET, NOR TO DIVULGE WHAT MAY BRING HARM OR DISHONOR TO HOLY CHURCH; to carry out with great diligence and faithfulness those tasks to which I am called by my service to the Church, in accord with the norms of the law. So help me Almighty God.”
Please notice the words in capital letters. These capitalized words are largely responsible for the mess the Roman Catholic Church now finds itself in.
I would like to close by providing an article from the New York Times (published yesterday) that addresses the resolve of Austrian bishops to look at the role mandatory celibacy may have played in the sexual abuse crisis:
Austrian Priests Suggest Celibacy May Be a Problem By ROBERT MACKEY New York Times March 13, 2010
On Thursday two senior Catholics in Austria, where reports of the sexual abuse of children by priests and nuns have been in the news, suggested that the role of priestly celibacy may need to be discussed as Catholics seek to understand and end scandals that have erupted across Europe and in the United States in recent years.
The Archbishop of Vienna, Christoph Schönborn, wrote in an article for a Catholic magazine that it was time for the Church to undertake an “unflinching examination” of what might be at the root of the problem of celibate clerics sexually abusing children.
As The Guardian’s religious affairs correspondent, Riazat Butt, explained on Thursday, Archbishop Schönborn wrote that the discussion should “include the issue of priest training, as well as the question of what happened in the so-called sexual revolution,” as well as “the issue of priest celibacy and the issue of personality development. It requires a great deal of honesty, both on the part of the church and of society as a whole.”
On Thursday night, Archbishop Alois Kothgasser of Salzburg told Austrian television, “In the Church’s current situation, the question must be asked whether celibacy is an appropriate way of life for priests and an appropriate way of life for believers.”
As Reuters reports, “There have been daily reports of child sexual abuse in Austrian Catholic institutions since the arch-abbot of Salzburg’s St. Peter’s monastery quit Monday after admitting to sexually abusing a boy 40 years ago.”
On Friday, The Telegraph added, “Salzburg church officials revealed that a man said he was abused by a nun while a child – the first such accusation amid widening allegations of sexual misdeeds leveled against Austria’s Roman Catholic church.”
Neither of the Austrian archbishops directly suggested ending celibacy. In fact Archbishop Schönborn said on Friday that he was not saying that celibacy caused pedophilia. “If celibacy were the reason for sexual abuse,” he said, “there wouldn’t be any abuse in the rest of society.”
As this video report from France 24 explains, sex scandals have also affected the Catholic Church in Germany recently: Pope Benedict XVI met with Germany’s highest-ranking Roman Catholic leader Friday at the Vatican to discuss allegations that priests in the pope’s native country sexually abused children for decades, as my colleagues Nicholas Kulish and Rachel Donadio report.
As Reuters reported, another leading German Catholic, Bishop Hans-Jochen Jaschk of Hamburg, told German Radio on Friday: “The celibate lifestyle can attract people who have an abnormal sexuality and cannot integrate sexuality into their lives. That’s when a dangerous situation can arise.” Bishop Jaschk added, “Just because one doesn’t live out one’s sexuality doesn’t mean it’s been turned off.”
Despite all these calls for a discussion of the issue, Pope Benedict defended “the value of sacred celibacy” in remarks on Friday and said that the ancient rule would not be changed because of “passing cultural fashions.”
I am sure that many of you are aware of major news that was released yesterday, concerning a letter written by Cardinal Ratzinger (currently Pope Benedict XVI) in 2001. In this letter, Cardinal Ratzinger ordered church leaders to keep all cases of reported sexual abuse secret. Further news has been released that indicates the fact that when our pontiff was archbishop in Munich, he moved an abusive priest from one parish to another, whereby more abuse occurred.
For many years, I have maintained there is a strong connection between the policy of mandatory priestly celibacy and sexual abuse. Although I am not a psychologist, I have read with great interest the findings of reputable experts who have studied the sexual abuse crisis in the Roman Catholic Church. Many psychologists are in full agreement that when an institution requires celibacy of a person who may not be called to this lifestyle, the result can be sexual dysfunction, or even worse, acts of sexual abuse may emerge.
I continue to argue for a return to the traditional priesthood. By this, I simply mean that we must consider the fact that during the first 1,139 years of the church, marriage was normative for priests. When mandatory celibacy was imposed in 1139, it was because of financial factors, as opposed to reasons of faith.
I strongly believe that if married priests and women priests are allowed to serve alongside celibate priests, there will be a healthier clerical environment in the Roman Catholic Church.
Following this blog post, you will find a press release from SNAP, in which they listed cities where demonstrations will take place concerning the news story I described, in addition to responding to international sexual abuse cases that are only now coming to light.
In the video above, I try to make a strong case for a connection between mandatory priestly celibacy and sexual abuse. I hope you take the time to watch.
Peace to all, Ray
WHEN Saturday, March 13 and Sunday, March 14 (See exact times below.)
WHERE In front of chanceries, cathedrals, churches and government buildings in CA, CT, DC, FL, IL, IN, KY, MA, MD, MI, MO, NC, NY, OH, PA, RI, TX, and WI. (See details below.)
WHO Clergy sex abuse victims who belong to a support group called SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAPnetwork.org), along with their loved ones and concerned Catholics
Just hours ago, reports out of Germany claim the Pope himself knowingly allowed a predator priest to remain in ministry, where at least one other child was abused.
A few weeks ago, Vatican officials were forced to address the clergy sex abuse and cover up crisis that is spreading like wildfire across Europe. Scores of media accounts are appearing and hundreds of victims are coming forward in Germany, Ireland, Austria and the Netherlands. Just yesterday, the Pope met with the head of the German Catholic church over scandals breaking there. In Italy, law enforcement wiretaps have revealed charges of a gay prostitution ring using at least one seminarian and operated by two Vatican insiders. The Pope's brother is embroiled in a controversy over accusations of sexual abuse in a widely-known church choir which he headed for 30 years.
In Ireland and The Netherlands, the Catholic hierarchy is planning internal surveys about the numbers of predator priests. But American victims feel independent investigations by secular authorities (as was done in parts of Ireland and in the US by several grand juries) are much more likely to expose the corrupt church leadership and to deter future recklessness, callousness and deceit.
German and Austrian church officials are talking about revamping their internal child sex policies. But US victims believe church policies are essentially meaningless and that it's much more effective to reform outdated secular laws which bishops exploit to escape responsibility for hiding and moving predators.
Two weeks ago, the AP reported "While the focus of the sex abuse scandal in the Catholic church centered on the United States for several years, abuse scandals have in recent years (also) erupted in the Philippines, Poland, Mexico, Italy, Canada and elsewhere."
Exact locations and times:
CA - Rancho Mirage, Sunday, March 14 at 3:00 PM Whitewater Park, 71-560 San Jacinto Drive (Major Cross streets are HWY 111 & Bob Hope Drive) Contact: Dave Price, 760-219-3635
CA - Los Angeles, Sunday, March 14 at 10:45 AM Cathedral of Our Lady of Angels, 555 W. Temple St (at N Grand) Contact: Carlos Perez, 818-723-8016
CA - Oakland, Sunday, March 14 at 12:00 PM The Cathedral of Christ the Light, 2121 Harrison Street (Between 21st & Grand) Contact: Melanie Sakoda, 925-708-6175
CA - San Diego, Sunday, March 14, 2010 at 12:30 PM Cathedral of St. Joseph, 1535 Third (corner of Third and Beech) Contact: Paul Livingtson, 619-677-7133
CA - San Francisco, Sunday, March 14 at 9:00 AM St. Mary Cathedral, 1111 Gough Street (Between Ellis & Geary) Contact: Melanie Sakoda, 925-708-6175,
CT - Hartford, Sunday, March 14 at 11:30 AM St. Joseph Cathedral, 140 Farmington Ave (corner of Farmington and Sigourney) Contact: Beth McCabe, 860-335-8187 & Kathy Rector, 860-384-4372
CO - Colorado Springs, March 14 at 9:15 AM St. Mary Catholic Cathedral, 22 W Kiowa St. Contact: John Murphy, 719-322-6597
DC - Washington, Saturday, March 13 at 6:30 PM Irish Embassy, 2234 Massachusetts Ave. N. WE Contact: Becky Ianni, 703-801-6044 & David Lorenz, 301-906-9161
DC - Washington, Sunday, March 14 at 1:00 PM German Consulate, 4645 Reservoir Rd. NW Contact: Becky Ianni, 703-801-6044 & David Lorenz, 301-906-9161
FL - Miami, Sunday, March 14 at 10:30 AM St. Mary's Cathedral, 7525 NW 2nd Ave Contact: Barbara Dorris, 314-503-0003
FL - Orlando,Sunday, March 14 at 11:45 AM St. James Cathedral, 215 N Orange Ave. (at Robinson St.) Contact: Robert Keane, 386-676-0298
FL - Palm Beach Gardens, Sunday, March 14 at 1:30 PM St. Ignatius Cathedral, 9999N Military Trail Contact: Barbara Dorris, 314-503-0003
FL - St. Augustine, Sunday, March 14 at 11:45 AM Cathedral-Basilica of St. Augustine, 38 Cathedral Place Contact: Kristine Ward, 937-272-0308
FL - Venice, Saturday, March 13 at 4:15 PM Epiphany Cathedral, 350 Tampa Ave West Contact: Barbara Dorris, 314-503-0003
IL - Chicago, Saturday, March 13 at 1:00 PM German Consulate, 676 N. Michigan Contact: Barbara Blaine, 312-399-4747
IL - Chicago, Sunday, March 14 at 1:00 PM Holy Name Cathedral, 730 N Wabash Contact: Therese Albrecht, 708-263-3050
IL - Peoria, Sunday, March 14 at 11:15 AM The Cathedral of Saint Mary of the Immaculate Conception, 607 NE Madison Avenue (at Hancock St) Contact: Jeff Jones, 815-985-9441
IL - Rockford,Sunday, March 14 at 10:00 AM St. Peter Cathedral, 1243 N. Church St. Contact:Kate Bochte, 630-768-1860
IL - Springfield,Sunday, March 14 at 9:30 AM Immaculate Conception Cathedral, 241 E. Lawrence Contact: Jeff Jones, 815-985-9441
IN - Fort Wayne, Saturday, March 13 at 6:00 PM Immaculate Conception Cathedral, 1100 South Calhoun Contact: Therese Albrecht, 708-263-3050
IN - South Bend, Sunday, March 14 at 9:30 AM St. Matthew, 1701 Miami Street Contact: Therese Albrecht, 708-263-3050
KY - Louisville, Saturday, March 13 at 5:15 PM to 6:45 PM Cathedral of the Assumption, 433 S. 5th St. (between Muhammed Ali and Liberty) Contact: Colleen Powell, 502-479-0246
MA - Boston, Saturday, March 13 at 1:30 PM Federal Building, 55 New Sudbury St. Contact: Ann Webb, 617-513-8442 & Robert Costello, 781-414-1178
MD - Baltimore, Saturday, March 13 at 12:30 PM Office of the Chancellor, 320 Cathedral Street Contact: Dave Lorenz, 301-906-9161 & Frank Dingle
MI - Detroit, Sunday, March 14 at 10:30 AM Blessed Sacrament Cathedral, 9844 Woodward Ave Contact: Barbara Blaine, 312-399-4747
MO - Columbia, Sunday, March 14 at 11:30 AM St. Thomas More Newman Center, 701 Maryland Ave., (corner of Turner Ave.) Contact: Judy Jones, 636-433-2511
MO - St. Louis, Sunday, March 14 at 6:00 PM St. Louis Cathedral, 4431 Lindell (corner of Lindell and Newstead) Contact: Peggy Fitzpatrick, 314-845-9438
NC - Charlotte, Saturday, March 13 at 5:00 PM St. Patrick's Cathedral, 1621 Dilworth Road, East Contact: David Fortwengler, 704-562-4529
NY - New York, Sunday, March 14 at 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM St. Patrick's Cathedral, 5th Ave. & 49th St. Contact: Mary Caplan, 917-439-4187 & Glen Echevarria, 646-763-4260
OH - Columbus, Sunday, March 14 at 11:15 AM-12:30 PM Across the street from St. Joseph Catholic Cathedral, 212 E Broad St Contact: Carol Zamonski, 614 447-2084
OH - Dayton, Sunday, March 14 at 11:45 AM St. Joseph's Church, 200 2nd St. Contact: Ginny Hoehne, 973-726-9360
OH -Toledo, Sunday, March 14 at 12:00 PM Holy Rosary Cathedral, 2535 Collingwood Ave Contact: Barbara Blaine, 312-399-4747
PA - Philadelphia, Sunday, March 14 at 1:00 PM - 1:30 PM St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, 100 E Wynnewood Rd., Wynnewood, PA 19096 Contact: Karen Polesir, 267-992-9463
RI - Providence, Saturday, March 13 at 11:00 AM Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul, One Cathedral Square Contact: Ann Barrett Doyle, 781-439-5208 & Ann Webb, 617-513-8442
TX - San Antonio, Saturday, March 13 at 1:00 PM San Fernando Cathedral,115 Main Plaza Contact: Barbara Boehland, 210-725-8329
WI - Madison, Saturday, March 13 at 9:45 AM Diocese of Madison- Pastoral Center, 702 South High Point Road (at Donofrio Dr.) Contact: David Clohessy, 314-566-9790
CONTACT Barbara Blaine (312-399-4747), Barbara Dorris (314-503-0003), David Clohessy (314-566-9790), Peter Isely (414-429-7259)
If you are a regular visitor to my blog, you are certainly aware of my ministerial activities. For the most part, any ministries I partake in are voluntary. The one exception is my role as a wedding officiant, for which I charge a standard fee of $100.00 (to cover preparation, meetings with couples, rehearsals and ceremony).
My primary source of income comes from my secular job, which I have held for the past twenty-one years. In the context of this government job, I thought I would share with you a brief essay I wrote, in advance of a feature article that will appear soon in Rochester's Democrat and Chronicle. In this article, the newspaper will be focusing on charges from the public that are often articulated, whereby some tax-payers feel government employees have better benefits and salaries than those in the private sector, and there is occasionally an assumption that workers in the private sector work harder than government employees represented by unions.
In my brief essay, I try to defend the work ethics of most government employees. Using myself as an example, I could probably earn more in the private sector with the same type of job, and I certainly won't be rich in retirement (hope to retire within two years). Yet, the rewards of being a public servant are many.
So, without further delay, here is my essay:
March 12, 2010
As a Civil Service employee with the City of Rochester for the past twenty-one years, I have been represented by the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME). The local chapter of AFSCME has consistently worked very hard toward satisfactory working conditions and benefits for all union-represented City employees. However, there seems to be a public perception that City employees are overpaid and have better benefits than their counterparts in the private sector. At best, this is a misrepresentation that needs to be corrected.
In my present capacity in City Hall, I am supervisor of the accounts payable sector within the Accounting Bureau/Department of Finance. It is fair to say that I work to the point of exhaustion each week, and as I compared my salary ($40,000 annually) with persons in similar positions within the private sector, I could certainly do better financially with a corporate enterprise. Additionally, I would perhaps be less likely to suffer a heart attack in a private sector job than in my current fast-paced circumstances. However, I chose a career as a Civil Service employee, because I value the opportunity to serve the public and to engage with co-workers who are wonderful people, in terms of their collective work ethics and determination to see that the Mayor’s goals for the City are carried out expeditiously.
Speaking for myself, I am certainly not getting rich as a government employee, and I will certainly not be living a life of luxury as a retiree in the near future. In fact, my level of commitment is such that it is extremely rare for me to take a lunch hour, and I have given up countless weeks of vacation, due to the demands and pressures of my job. (I get five weeks vacation per year, but generally take one; unused time can only be carried over for one additional year, so I have lost countless weeks.) I have also put in countless hours of overtime without pay, because of my determination to clear my desk of vital paperwork each day. If I were to add up all the hours I have literally donated to City Hall, they would easily add up to a year of work for which the City had to pay me nothing. In addition, I have only utilized sick time once, and that was in 1996 (was extremely ill on a few occasions, but came to work anyway). I share this information to simply emphasize that most City employees I am in contact with are similarly motivated to do their very best as a matter of routine.
If taxpayers are to be disgruntled over paychecks issued to government employees, perhaps this anger should be aimed at some of the upper management with three-figure salaries, who are often paid for simply delegating work, as opposed to engaging in the difficult hands-on responsibilities of union workers.
City employees continue to share in the sacrifices that are expected of all in tough economic times. For example, the latest agreement between our local union and the City administration reflects the fact that instead of the usual 3.5% salary increase for the average employee, the increase in 2010 is instead 2%.
This has been an attempt on my part to defend the integrity and hard work that are characteristic of the vast majority of union workers within the City of Rochester employment base. Are there slackers within this enterprise? Most certainly. However, for the most part, we, as City of Rochester employees, are persons who work diligently on a daily basis to make sure that the public-at-large is serviced in the very best possible way.
In the future, I hope those in the private sector who criticize government employees will take the time to look at all the facts before making unsubstantiated charges relative to salaries or benefits.
If you read various Catholic blogs, it might appear that there is no constructive dialogue between traditionalists and reformers. This is indeed often the case. However, it is wonderful when a middle-of-the-road approach is taken and produces results.
One of my better experiences in recent years occurred on January 8, 2003. On that day, the executive board of CORPUS (national association for an inclusive priesthood) and the president of the NFPC (National Federation of Priest Councils) spent a day together in New York City. Highlights of our day included constructive talks on the role married priests could play in various dioceses around the country. This was inclusive of a very nice lunch in an Italian restaurant in Manhattan.
I have included a photo taken at the lunch mentioned in the preceding paragraph. From the left are Bob Silva (former president of the NFPC) and the former CORPUS executive board, including Bill Wisniewski, Russ Ditzel and Ray Grosswirth (yours truly).
I continue to pray for the success of the American Catholic Council, scheduled to take place in June of 2011 in Detroit. It will be an opportunity for conservative and progressive Catholics to come together in a spirit of friendship and dialogue. I look forward to attending and participating in the conversations.
If you have been followers of my blog, you are aware that I often speak of my Judeo-Christian background. Part of this background was inclusive of distant relatives in the former Austro-Hungarian Empire, which was later to become absorbed as territories of present-day Hungary, Poland, Austria and Slovakia.
For Jews around the world, 2010 represents the 65th anniversary of the liberation of concentration camps that dotted the landscape of the Holocaust in Eastern Europe. Having done extensive family research, I discovered that 69 persons with the Grosswirth name perished during that terrible period (original spelling was Groszwirth). Most family victims were from Hungary, with some from Poland and Austria. (As indicated in the previous paragraph, these countries were once part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.)
With a Roman Catholic history on my mother’s side of the family, I have generally been supportive of the canonization process when sainthood is bestowed upon righteous persons. For example, in terms of the papacy, I have no problems with the canonization of either Pope John XXIII or John Paul II. Most notably, as a young man, John Paul II was part of the Polish underground that worked against the Nazis.
I do find the canonization process underway for Pope Pius XII to be somewhat problematic. While he was certainly not guilty in any way for atrocities that took place during the Holocaust, an open question remains as to how often he spoke out against the Nazi regime.
In the video that appears above this post, I tried to be sensitive to persons on both sides of the debate underway concerning the canonization of Pius XII. I tried as best as possible to provide a historical perspective concerning the late pontiff. In the final analysis, I don’t think he should be demonized in any way. At the same time, however, there was perhaps more he could have done toward saving the lives of countless Jews who were trapped in the terrible events of World War II.
There were certainly Catholic saints during the Holocaust period. Many were priests, nuns, bishops and lay Catholics, who worked tirelessly in their efforts to provide shelter to Jews whose lives were in danger. Many of these heroes ended up suffering the same fates of Jews in concentration camps. Whether or not Pope Pius XII deserves to be named amongst the saints remains a hotly-debated topic. I personally don’t feel Pius is deserving of sainthood, and I hope my video will give a credible argument against his canonization.
As you watch this video, you will notice that I produced it in black and white, utilizing film effects that were characteristic of the period Pius XII occupied the papacy.
After you watch the video, and you should decide you want to read some credible books on this topic, I offer the following titles for your consideration:
Pius XII and the Second World War: According to the Archives of the Vatican by Pierre Bilet, translated by Lawrence J. Johnson (Paulist Press, 304 pages)
Constantine’s Sword: The Church and the Jews by James Carroll (Houghton Mifflin, 756 pages)
Hitler’s Pope: The Secret History of Pius XII by John Cornwell (Penguin, 464 pages)
The Catholic Church and the Holocaust: 1930-1965 by Michael Phayer (Indiana University Press, 328 pages)
Hitler, the War, and the Pope by Ronald J. Rychlak (Genesis Press, 468 pages)
Papal Sin: Structures of Deceit by Garry Wills (Doubleday, 336 pages)
Under His Very Window: The Vatican and the Holocaust in Italy by Susan Zuccotti (Yale University Press, 408 pages)
An oustanding magazine article I highly recommend is 'What Would Jessus Have Done?': Pope Pius XII, the Vatican, and the Holocaust by Daniel Jonah Goldhagen (The New Republic: January 21, 2002)
I close with two relevant items: 1.) a photo of Papal Nuncio Eugenio Pacelli signing the Concordat with Nazi officials before becoming Pope Pius XII; 2.) a Reuters article from two weeks ago, which covered comments made by one of my heroes, Elie Wiesel:
Elie Wiesel accuses Pius XII of Holocaust silence Wed Jan 27, 2010 2:32pm GMT By Philip Pullella
ROME (Reuters) - Nobel Peace Prize winner and Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel, in a major speech to Italy's parliament, attacked wartime Pope Pius XII on Wednesday for his "silence" during the Nazis' mass killings of Jews.
Wiesel, an Auschwitz and Buchenwald survivor, gave the emotional speech on World Holocaust Remembrance Day -- also the 65th anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi death camp at Auschwitz.
At about the same time German-born Pope Benedict, who has defended the actions of his wartime predecessor, was also speaking about the Holocaust at his general audience at the Vatican across the River Tiber.
"Whether at the lowest level of politics or the highest level of spirituality, silence never helps the victims. Silence always helps the aggressor," Wiesel told parliamentarians and top officials including Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.
A source in Wiesel's entourage later told Reuters the words "highest level of spirituality" were a reference to Pius, who headed the Roman Catholic Church from 1939 to 1958.
The question of what Pius did or did not do to help Jews during the war remains a burning issue between Catholics and Jews, and Wiesel's reference to Pius indicated it shows no sign of being resolved.
Ten days ago, Pope Benedict made his first visit to Rome's synagogue, where a Jewish leader told him bluntly that Pius should have spoken out more forcefully against the Holocaust to show solidarity with Jews being led to the "ovens of Auschwitz."
The Vatican maintains that Pius was not silent during the war, but chose to work behind the scenes, concerned that public intervention would have worsened the situation for both Jews and Catholics in a wartime Europe dominated by Hitler.
At his general audience Benedict, who was drafted into the Hitler Youth and German army as a teenager during World War Two, called the Holocaust a "homicidal folly" that should never be forgotten.
"With an emotional spirit, we think of the countless victims of blind and religious hate, those who underwent deportation, imprisonment and death in those abhorrent and inhuman places," Benedict said.
Jews have asked that the Vatican's wartime archives be opened up to scholars so the role of Pius can be cleared up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Let us continue to pray for tolerance and peace in our world.